Heat Stroke in Dogs 

Dog drinking water.

Even in relatively mild climates like ours, the heat index can create dangerous circumstances for pets and people alike. The combination of rising temperatures, scorching UV rays, and suffocating humidity force many of us indoors where we can enjoy the hum of air conditioning all summer long. 

Active dogs may not recognize the adverse effects of the heat, and some even continue to play long after a rest in the shade is vitally important. Consequently, preventing heat stroke in dogs is priority number one this time of year. 


Should You Adopt a Senior Pet? Absolutely!

Senior dog smiling for the camera.

All pets are worthy and deserving of stable, safe, comfortable homes regardless of their species, breed, gender, or age. That being said, however, younger pets generally enjoy faster adoption rates than older ones. And while most of us are helpless against the overwhelming cute factor attached to kittens and puppies, there is truly nothing like living with an older pet who knows themselves and anticipates when certain things are about to happen. If you’ve been wondering about what it’s like to adopt a senior pet, we’d like to welcome you to one of life’s greatest gifts. 


The Importance of Tick Prevention for Pennsylvania Pets: Risks and Solutions

Warning Beware of Ticks.

Pennsylvania is the home of Lyme disease, and most of our residents are well aware of the risks of ticks. Did you know that our pets are subject to tick-borne illnesses as well? Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital wants to be sure that you know all about the risks and options for tick prevention for your pet.


Sinus Infections in Cats? A Veterinary Perspective

cat sinus health.

Your cat has a runny nose, is sneezing, and just doesn’t seem like they are feeling well. It might be easy to assume that they are experiencing a sinus infection. While you might be right, these symptoms don’t always mean the same thing. Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital is here to clarify things from a veterinary perspective.


Facts About Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats

Sad dog in the grass.

Heartworm disease has long been known as a problem that affects dogs, but it is a serious condition that can also occur in cats—even indoor cats, since no window screen is foolproof against mosquitos, which spread the disease. Animals can become infected with heartworms when bitten by a mosquito carrying parasitic worms called Dirofilaria immitis. The tiny worms enter the pet as microfilariae (larvae), but they eventually mature into adult heartworms that can cause serious complications in the pet’s heart, lungs, and blood vessels. 


How to Save a Life: Performing Emergency CPR on a Dog

Young man hugging his schnauzer dog.

When it comes to a pet emergency, an owner is undoubtedly more effective when they know what to do, and how to handle every scenario. Learning how to perform CPR on a dog is one of the best decisions an owner can make to prepare themselves for the unexpected.


Why are Veterinary Services Expensive?

clients with their pets waiting at the veterinarian clinic

Prices have been on the rise across the country, and veterinary costs are not an exception. Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital knows that sometimes the cost of good care can be surprising. As a pet owner, understanding why veterinary services are expensive and what you can do to mitigate the damages is important. 


Is It a Good Idea to Give a Pet As a Gift?

Sleepy kitten in a gift bag.

If you are making your list and checking it twice for your holiday gift giving, you probably have a person or two that are harder to buy for. It might have even crossed your mind that giving that person a new furry family member might be an option. But is it a good idea to give a pet as a gift? Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital has the answers you need to make a good gift giving move.
